'Rogue' results may be behind Wexford failure

Minister for the Environment Dick Roche believes the failure of four beaches in Co Wexford to retain blue flags this year was…

Minister for the Environment Dick Roche believes the failure of four beaches in Co Wexford to retain blue flags this year was due to aberrant laboratory results.

At the presentation of blue flags to 78 beaches and four marinas at a ceremony in Malahide, Co Dublin, yesterday, Mr Roche said he was disappointed that Wexford had lost all four of its blue flag beaches but was confident these would be regained next year.

"My officials have been in touch with Wexford County Council and have been informed that the water at the four beaches concerned, and six other beaches, was tested on three separate occasions during May this year and all samples are well within the quality standards required for a blue flag." He said Wexford had also recently won a prestigious award for beach maintenance.

The four beaches in Co Wexford to lose out in the blue flag awards were Curracloe, Courtown, Duncannon and Rosslare.


Eamon Hore, senior engineer with Wexford County Council, said the loss of the blue flags was due to poor microbiological test results which were difficult to explain.

"They seemed like rogue results, taken in the context of 17 years or 18 years of previous results, where they did not exceed the parameters.

"They were difficult to explain and came right at the end of the bathing season, which didn't allow time to take further results."

Mr Hore said the results were not due to waste water as there were no sewage outlets for sewage near Curracloe and an €18 million waste water scheme had been commissioned in Courtown several years ago.

Mr Roche said he was delighted at the record number of blue flags awarded to beaches here which was the highest since the inception of the campaign in Ireland in 1988.

"Today's results reflect the improvements in water quality being brought about by our very high level of investment in waste water treatment facilities - over €2.2 billion - in recent years. They also demonstrate the , strong commitment of local authorities to provide high quality bathing areas."

Mr Roche also said he had approved preliminary reports submitted by Fingal County Council for a waste water treatment plant to cover Portrane, Donabate, Lusk and Rush.

Martin Wall

Martin Wall

Martin Wall is the Public Policy Correspondent of The Irish Times.