Report urges seizure of pubs where drugs sold

The Criminal Assets Bureau should be able to seize/take possession of pubs and clubs in which drugs are repeatedly sold, according…

The Criminal Assets Bureau should be able to seize/take possession of pubs and clubs in which drugs are repeatedly sold, according to an Oireachtas report due to be published today.

The cross-party report has been drawn up by the Joint Committee on Arts, Sport, Tourism, Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs, chaired by Donegal North East TD Cecilia Keaveney.

The Oireachtas committee is also expected to draw a direct link between increased sponsorship of sporting events by drinks companies and increased alcohol consumption among young people.

Complaining that Ireland is in "a national collective state of denial when it comes to alcohol", the report calls on the Government to acknowledge the scale of alcohol abuse occurring.


Clinics dispensing methadone to those who have weaned themselves off "hard" drugs should operate separately from clinics supplying the heroin substitute to continuing abusers.

Extra State money must also be invested in mental health services since mental illness can affect a quarter of the population at various times in their lives.

Mark Hennessy

Mark Hennessy

Mark Hennessy is Ireland and Britain Editor with The Irish Times