Report links use of paracetamol to asthma spread in UK and here

The Asthma Society of Ireland has encouraged concerned people to call its helpline, following the publication of a new report…

The Asthma Society of Ireland has encouraged concerned people to call its helpline, following the publication of a new report linking paracetamol to the spread of asthma. The results of the biggest study of asthma ever undertaken were published in the European Respiratory Journal yesterday.

The 10-year project found high use of paracetamol in the UK and other English-speaking countries may be responsible for the surge in asthma cases and other respiratory illnesses. This compares unfavourably with Mediterranean and eastern European countries.

Ms Frances Guiney, respiratory nurse specialist with the Asthma Society of Ireland, said 275,000 Irish people suffered from asthma - the fourth highest occurrence of asthma in the world. "It affects one in 20 adults and 15 per cent of children in this country," she said. "This study is something we should take on board."

Ms Guiney said people should not be unduly concerned - the link between chronic use of paracetamol and asthma was already accepted but more research was needed on the effects of its occasional use.


The respiratory health survey involved 140,000 people in 22 European countries. It found that in some countries people were up to eight times more likely to contact allergic respiratory diseases than in other apparently similar places.

Prof Christer Janson, of the department of medical science at Uppsala University in Sweden, said paracetamol sales were high in English-speaking countries, and were positively associated with asthma symptoms, eczema and allergic eye problems in children. Adults suffered from asthma, wheeze, eye and bronchial problems.

He said the main conclusion was that environmental reasons like dust mites, pet cats, cooking with gas or dust at work made people more likely to get asthma.

The Asthma Society's helpline number is 1850 445464S

Additional reporting Guardian Service

Mary Minihan

Mary Minihan

Mary Minihan is Features Editor of The Irish Times