Religious delegation to visit Egypt

The Church of Ireland Archbishop of Dublin and the Catholic Bishop of Dromore will today lead a delegation to Egypt to discuss…

The Church of Ireland Archbishop of Dublin and the Catholic Bishop of Dromore will today lead a delegation to Egypt to discuss experiences from the conflict in Ireland which have a bearing on Christian/Muslim relations.

Archbishop John Neill and Bishop John McAreavey will be accompanied on the trip by the Rev Prof Rab Mollan, president of Church Mission Society (CMS) Ireland, the Rev Patrick Comerford, southern regional co-ordinator CMS Ireland, and the Rev Canon Cecil Wilson, general secretary CMS Ireland.

The delegation will be in Egypt until Friday at the invitation of the Anglican bishop in Egypt, the Right Rev Dr Mouneer Anis.

The focus of their visit will be a seminar in Cairo on Thursday, at which more than 100 delegates are expected from the Islamic, Christian, Coptic, civil and diplomatic communities in Egypt. The theme will be "Catholic and Protestant Perspectives on the Conflict in Ireland."


The delegation will also visit the Al-Azhar Mosque to meet Sheikh Mohamed Sayed Tantawy, the Grand Iman there, Dr Ali El Samman, vice-president, and Sheikh Fawzy El Zefzaf, president of the Permanent Committee of al-Azhar for Dialogue with the Monotheistic Religions.

The delegates will also meet Pope Shenouda III of the Coptic Church.

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry is a contributor to The Irish Times