Public owed €375m in overpaid taxes - FG

Taxpayers are owed €375 million in overpaid taxes for 2004 according to the Fine Gael finance spokesman Mr Richard Bruton.

Taxpayers are owed €375 million in overpaid taxes for 2004 according to the Fine Gael finance spokesman Mr Richard Bruton.

Mr Bruton was speaking during today's launch of Fine Gael's Give it Backcampaign to highlight the issue of overpaid taxes by PAYE workers.

Areas such as health, bin charges, rent and homecarers were highlighted as particular areas where overcharging had occured.

Mr Bruton called on the Revenue Commissioners to be proactive in identifying refunds and to extend the period over which a person can reclaim overpaid tax to eight years. It currently stands at four.


They also believe the Revenue Commissioners should pay interest in respect of overpaid tax.

"The Revenue can easily facilitate taxpayers by having simple checklists as well as public information campaigns," Mr Bruton said.

"In the long-term, confidence in our tax code relies on compliant taxpayers believing that they will be fairly treated," he concluded.

Fine Gael intend to distribute up to 500,000 leaflets to highlight the issue.

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy is Digital Production Editor of The Irish Times