Protests planned for Ahern-Bush meeting in North

The Taoiseach is due discuss the situation in Iraq with Mr George W Bush on Tuesday, when the US President visits Northern Ireland…

The Taoiseach is due discuss the situation in Iraq with Mr George W Bush on Tuesday, when the US President visits Northern Ireland for a summit with the British prime minister.

Anti-war groups have called for mass protests against the visit.

Mr Bush is travelling to the North on Monday for a two-day summit with Mr Tonly Blair. The summit will address the situation in the Iraq war as well as the Middle East and Northern Ireland peace processes, White House officials said.

Mr Bush will meet Mr Blair on Monday and Tuesday. The two leaders last met at Mr Bush's Camp David retreat on March 27th.


Mr Ahern will then travel North to meet Mr Bush in Hillsborough, Co Down on Tuesday afternoon when US-British discussions have concluded, a Government statement said.

"While the focus of the Taoiseach's meeting with the President will be the Northern Ireland peace process, the Taoiseach will naturally have an opportunity to discuss the situation in Iraq, including the humanitarian situation, both with the President and the Prime Minister," the statement said.

The statement also said the US "as a friend of the peace process has played a vital role in recent years" in matters in Northern Ireland.

Mr Ahern will return to the North on Thursday where he will meet Mr Blair and political parties and will publish "joint proposals" in the governments efforts to revive the peace process.

The Irish Anti-War Movement Chairman Mr Richard Boyd Barrett told ireland.comthis evening the group had immediately set about planning a protest to conincide with the Bush-Blair meeting.

"How can [Bush] come to Ireland talking about peace while his army is subjecting the people of Baghdad to a medieval siege with 21st century weaponry?," asked Mr Boyd Barrett.

"We call on all those opposed to this immoral war to join the protest buses going to Belfast on Monday."The Green Party in Northern Ireland also called for demonstrations on Monday.

Party spokesman Mr John Barry said it was important that people "come out in a day of action to show their anger and disgust at George Bush's hypocrisy.

"They need to demonstrate against the hypocrisy of him coming to Northern Ireland to talk peace while waging war on Iraq."

The Workers Party issued a similar call in a statement released tonight.

General Secretary Mr John Lowry called on the SDLP leader Mr Mark Durcan and Sinn Féin president Mr Gerry Adams to boycott the meeting with Mr Bush.

Patrick  Logue

Patrick Logue

Patrick Logue is Digital Editor of The Irish Times