Promise on soccer violence welcomed

DUP deputy leader Mr Peter Robinson has welcomed a commitment from the Northern Security Minister, Sir John Wheeler, to take …

DUP deputy leader Mr Peter Robinson has welcomed a commitment from the Northern Security Minister, Sir John Wheeler, to take action to prevent further trouble involving a "hooligan element" attached to Cliftonville soccer club.

The Minister promised speedy action after the East Belfast MP and a delegation from his constituency complained directly to him about "unacceptable behaviour and hooliganism from visiting supporters" at games at Glentoran's home ground, the Oval, in east Belfast.

Sir John said a walkway passing by residential homes in east Belfast leading to the Oval would be caged in. He hoped this work could be carried out before the next Glentoran versus Cliftonville game, but if it could not, the RUC would be asked to "take appropriate policing measures to control the hooligan element".

The Minister also said that a feasibility study would be carried out on the erection of a foot bridge to provide direct access to the Oval for Cliftonville supporters, to keep them away from residential areas.


Mr Robinson said he "very much welcomed the positive response" from the Minister.

He added that he and local residents would continue to co operate with the Minister and "with the football clubs in order to achieve a sensible outcome which would protect the peace and safety of local residents and ensure the continuation of soccer without affecting the continuation of local football".

Trouble flared in east Belfast in September when local Protestants prevented north Belfast supporters of Cliftonville, with a largely nationalist following, from attending a game at the Oval.

Gerry Moriarty

Gerry Moriarty

Gerry Moriarty is the former Northern editor of The Irish Times