Pro-choice groups call for restrictions to be removed for abortion legislation

Action on X says no more than two medical practitioners should assess suicide risk

Pro-choice groups call for legislation changes

A number of pro-choice groups have joined together to lobby against the Government’s proposed legislation on abortion.

Representatives from Action on X, Terminations for Medical Reasons Ireland and the National Women's Council of Ireland said the Government proposals did not go far enough.

According to Sinead Kennedy of Action on X, two medical practitioners should be enough to determine risk of suicide.
"What woman or girl facing a crisis pregnancy will be helped in any way by the requirement for up to four practitioners to agree she is suicidal?"

The provision for an obstetrician, two psychiatrists and possibly the woman’s GP is excessive, dangerous and a further constraint on access to abortion,” she said.


“Many despairing women will simply travel abroad rather than seek a termination here.”

People Before Profit TD Joan Collins said the Government was out of touch with public opinion.

“The continued criminalisation of women who have abortions must end and the unnecessary restrictions on access to abortion must be removed from this bill,” she said.

Ms Collins said she believed a number of Fine Gael TDs would vote against the whip.