Poll: Fine Gael up three points to 40%

FINE GAEL’S prospects of leading the next government appeared even greater yesterday, with the latest RedC poll showing the party…

FINE GAEL’S prospects of leading the next government appeared even greater yesterday, with the latest RedC poll showing the party at 40 per cent, three points up on the previous survey for Paddy Power bookmakers three weeks ago.

Fianna Fáil, on the other hand, went down three points to 15 per cent over the same period while Labour dropped a single percentage point to 18 per cent. Sinn Féin fell two to 10 per cent, the Greens were unchanged at 3 per cent and  Independents/ Others rose by three to 14 per cent.

The random sample of 1,500 adults was surveyed by telephone in the period February 19th to 22nd.

Half of the group polled were interviewed by landline, the rest on mobile phones.


The final results were: FG 40 per cent (+3); Lab 18 per cent (-1); FF 15 per cent (-3); SF 10 per cent (+2); GP 3 per cent (-); Ind/Others 14 per cent (+3).

Core figures, prior to exclusion of undecideds, were: FG 35 per cent; Lab 16 per cent; FF 13 per cent; SF 9 per cent; GP 2 per cent; Ind/Others 12 per cent; Undecided 13 per cent.

Deaglán  De Bréadún

Deaglán De Bréadún

Deaglán De Bréadún, a former Irish Times journalist, is a contributor to the newspaper