Taoiseach made representations to Revenue on behalf of 25 taxpayers

More than 80 politicians make representations

Labour whip Emmet Stagg made 10 representations to the Revenue Commissioners on behalf of individuals in 2012. Photograph: Aidan Crawley
Labour whip Emmet Stagg made 10 representations to the Revenue Commissioners on behalf of individuals in 2012. Photograph: Aidan Crawley

Taoiseach Enda Kenny made representations on behalf of 25 taxpayers to the chairwoman of the Revenue Commissioners, Josephine Feehily, last year.

He made significantly more representations than any other member of the Dáil, according to a table in the annual report of the Revenue Commissioners for 2012.

Twelve members of the Cabinet were among a group of more than 80 politicians who made representations to the Revenue on behalf of individual taxpayers.

Politicians from Fine Gael, the Labour Party, Fianna Fáil and the technical group made representations on behalf of individuals.


No representations were made by Sinn Féin TDs.

In total, 233 representations were made by politicians to the chair of the Revenue on behalf of individual taxpayers, while a further 22 were made about general issues.

26 cases
The politician who made most representations on behalf of individuals in 2012 was Labour Party councillor Michael Dollard from Mullingar, who contacted the Revenue about 26 cases.

Enda Kenny was next with, 25, far ahead of any other member of the Dáil. Next with 10 each were Labour whip Emmet Stagg and Fianna Fáil frontbencher Niall Collins.

Minister for Jobs and Innovation Richard Bruton made representations on behalf of nine people, and he made an additional four representations about a general issue to bring his total to 13.

Minister for Transport Leo Varadkar was next on the list with eight representations in individual cases, followed by Minister for Social Protection Joan Burton and Minister for Finance Michael Noonan with six each.

In addition, Mr Noonan referred correspondence from individuals to Revenue for direct reply in 66 cases.

The Minister of State for Finance, Brian Hayes, made representations on behalf of seven people.

Party colleagues
Tánaiste Eamon Gilmore made representations on behalf of one person, as did his party colleagues in Cabinet Pat Rabbitte and Brendan Howlin.

A wide range of TDs, including Tommy Broughan, Richard Boyd Barrett, John Halligan and Michael Lowry, also made representations on behalf of one individual or a small number of people.

Stephen Collins

Stephen Collins

Stephen Collins is a columnist with and former political editor of The Irish Times