Mixed reaction among Senators to Trump victory

Labour Senator Ivana Bacik calls for foreign policy debate

Fine Gael’s Michelle Mulherin: she paid tribute to Mrs Clinton, adding that the House had to be real because democracy had spoken
Fine Gael’s Michelle Mulherin: she paid tribute to Mrs Clinton, adding that the House had to be real because democracy had spoken

Labour Senator Ivana Bacik called for a Seanad debate on foreign policy following the US election. She said the result had "serious implications'' for Ireland, adding that Hillary Clinton's defeat was a huge disappointment for progressive politics and the cause of women.

“It is fair to say that the undocumented Irish, the many people whose status in the US is uncertain, will be very concerned today,’’ said Ms Bacik.

Michelle Mulherin (FG) paid tribute to Mrs Clinton, adding that the House had to be real because democracy had spoken.

She said she wished to join those who had sent congratulations to Mr Trump.


“It has to be acknowledged he has succeeded against the odds. He was not supported by the political establishment of the Republican party and, as he said, it was not just a political campaign, it was a political movement.’’

Glass ceiling

Catherine Ardagh

(FF) said she had thought Mrs Clinton would finally break the glass ceiling and the US would have its first woman president. “It should be acknowledged the Clintons have been great friends to Ireland, and Bill Clinton’s administration in the 1990s focused on helping to secure peace in

Northern Ireland

. ’’

Ms Ardagh called on the Government to establish a special task force to work with the US administration to protect undocumented Irish in the US.

Independent Gerard Craughwell said the bottom line was Mr Trump was now US president-elect. "I wish him well for the future and I sincerely hope he can work with the undocumented Irish in the United States. ''

Paul Gavan (SF) said he was disappointed with the result. "I blame the Democratic party because it chose the wrong candidate. It had a particularly good candidate in Bernie Sanders who is genuinely of the left.''

Michael O'Regan

Michael O'Regan

Michael O’Regan is a former parliamentary correspondent of The Irish Times