Obama to receive hamper full of Irish food export products

Bord Bia hamper to contain staple brands produced in Ireland

Hampers being presented to President Barack Obama and Vice-president Joe Biden will contain Irish beef, which is being promoted by Irish chefs including Catherine Fulvio (above) on NBC’s Today Show. File photograph: Eric Luke/The Irish Times

Kerrygold butter, Barry's tea and Keogh's crisps will be in the St Patrick's Day hamper Taoiseach Enda Kenny will present to US president Barack Obama.

US vice-president Joe Biden will also receive a Bord Bia hamper containing Irish food products which are exported to the US market.

The hampers will contain Irish beef, which is being promoted by Irish chefs including Catherine Fulvio on NBC's Today Show.

The first shipments of Irish beef to the US are due later this month and a new Irish beef website, irishbeefusa.com, has been set up.


The hampers will contain:

1. Bord Bia Quality Assured Irish Beef

2. Smoked Irish Salmon (Burren Smokehouse)

3. Irish chocolates (Lily O’Brien’s & Butlers)

4. Kerrygold butter and cheddar

5. Barry’s tea and Bewley’s coffee

6. Ballymaloe Relish

7. Keogh’s crisps

8. Sheridan’s Brown Bread crackers

9. Chutney, jams and preserves

10. Irish farmhouse cheeses

11. Irish Beef book by Pat Whelan

Mary Minihan

Mary Minihan

Mary Minihan is Features Editor of The Irish Times