Kenny insists he will serve full second term as Taoiseach

Taoiseach says ‘date of election is immaterial’ but choice people face is crucial

Harry McGee reports from Citywest Hotel in Dublin where Fine Gael are holding their 78th Ard Fheis. The party have outlined a strategy to help create an additional 200,000 jobs by 2020. Video: Bryan O’Brien

Enda Kenny has insisted he will serve a full second term as Taoiseach if re-elected to Government but did not confirm whether he will lead the party into another general election.

Speaking at the Fine Gael Ardfheis, Mr Kenny said the date for the election is immaterial but the choice people face is crucial.

The Taoiseach said it was his belief Fine Gael and Labour will be re-elected and insisted there has been no discussion with any Independent TDs ahead of the election.

Asked whether former Fine Gael TD Michael Lowry could form part of a new Government, Mr Kenny declined to rule it out.


He said: “I am not speculating beyond putting Fine Gael and Labour before the people and ask them for their support and trust. I never presume to discuss the outcomes of the election.

“I know the media want to presume the outcome of the election. As far as I am concerned we are putting a proposition to the people with a clear and costed plan to re-elect the Government of Fine Gael and Labour.”

The Fine Gael leader said it his intention to serve a full term if re-elected to the office of the Taoiseach.

He said he has been honoured and privileged to serve as Taoiseach and would commit to a full second term .

Asked if that stretched to another general election campaign, Mr Kenny said: “It will be my intention to serve a second full term.”

The Taoiseach confirmed he would not be revealing the date of the general election campaign tonight.

He said it was clear the date was not far away.