Independent Alliance ‘wholly united’ in approach to Apple decision

Group said it always stressed it wanted a fair system of taxation for multinationals

Independent Alliance Ministers Shane Ross and Finian McGrath speak to the press on arrival at Government Buildings for a Cabinet meeting on Friday. The group said it had always stressed that it had wanted a fair system of taxation for multinational companies. Photograph: Cyril Byrne/The Irish Times

The Independent Alliance said that it had been wholly united in its approach to the decision on appealing the Apple tax ruling and that there had been no divisions.

The comments come following the Cabinet’s decision to appeal the €13 billion Apple tax ruling during talks on Friday. The motion will go before the Dáil when it returns early on Wednesday.

At a media conference, the group said it had always stressed that it had wanted a fair system of taxation for multinational companies.

Its leader Shane Ross emphasised the commitment to appoint an independent expert to review the corporate tax system in Ireland.


Mr Ross, the Minster for Transport, said that while Minister for Finance Michael Noonan would appoint the expert, he would do it only after consultation with the Independent Alliance.

Mr Ross said he hoped the review would be completed quickly and that its terms of reference would be set out “in the next few days”.

Independent Alliance TDs Finian McGrath and Kevin “Boxer” Moran emphasised the unity of the group.

Minister of State for Training and Skills John Halligan also indicated he would support the motion. He dismissed a suggestion that his support would be conditional on progress on commitment for Waterford hospital, saying that was a separate matter.

“Now is not the time to bring down the Government, just before the budget,” he said.

The Government will now begin to prepare for the appeal, with the Attorney General Máire Whelan laying out the legal grounds in support of the proceedings.

It has two months and 10 days, from the day of the decision on Tuesday, to lodge its appeal to the General Court of the European Union.

Harry McGee

Harry McGee

Harry McGee is a Political Correspondent with The Irish Times