How a Covid cert revolt in Brussels reveals a dark trend in pandemic politics

In The News podcast: Naomi O’Leary explores Europe’s Covid libertarianism

Irexit campaigner Hermann Kelly has become involved in a revolt against Covid-19 certificates by a group of MEPs. Photograph: Conor Ó Mearáin/Collins

On Monday Europe correspondent Naomi O'Leary reported how Irexit campaigner Hermann Kelly has become involved in a revolt against Covid-19 certificates by a group of MEPs.

The MEPs “are focusing on vaccination certs as a kind of rallying cry, and a whole new audience has opened up” to them, says Naomi in today’s episode of In The News.

Mr Kelly, who once worked for Brexit campaigner Nigel Farage, is now press officer for Romanian MEP Christian Tehres.

Mr Kelly insists the campaign is purely about civil liberties. Critics say the campaign’s message is ambiguous. Some members of the group are openly sceptical of Covid-19 vaccines.


In today’s episode you can hear excerpts from Naomi’s interviews with Mr Kelly and Mr Tehres.

Naomi also interviews Bulgarian MEP Peter Vitanov, who says misinformation is partially to blame for the soaring Covid death rate in his country.

In The News is presented by Sorcha Pollak and Conor Pope

You can listen to the podcast here: