Dublin North-West results: Shortall wins for Soc Dems as Dessie Ellis tops poll

Shortall says party ‘will be speaking to everybody over the coming days’

Róisín Shortall, joint leader of the Social Democrats has been elected in Dublin North West. Video: Bryan O’Brien

Sinn Féin’s Dessie Ellie stormed to victory in Dublin North West with 44 per cent of the first preference vote, or 14,375 votes.

A huge number of his transfers went to Solidarity People Before Profit candidate Conor Reddy, putting him in play for spot in the three seat constituency.

After the fourth count the Soc Dems co-leader Roisin Shortall was elected with over 8,000 votes.

Although he put in a better performance than may expected, Fine Gael's Noel Rock lost out.


Fianna Fáil’s Paul McAuliffe took the third and final seat here

Candidates: Noel Rock (FG), Paul McAuliffe (FF), Dessie Ellis (SF), Andrew Montague (Lab), Róisín Shortall (Soc Dems), Caroline Conroy (Green), Conor Reddy (S-PBP), Ian Croft (Ind), Niall Fitzgerald (Ind), Stephen Redmond (The National Party).

Jack Power

Jack Power

Jack Power is acting Europe Correspondent of The Irish Times