Donohoe wants spending on transport to return to pre-crisis level

Minister says current the budget is one ‘I or my successor will have to build upon’

Donohoe wants spending on transport to return to pre-crisis level
Donohoe wants spending on transport to return to pre-crisis level

Minister for Transport Paschal Donohoe has called for Government spending on roads and railways to return to pre-crisis levels.

Mr Donohoe said it was vital that investment - particularly in land transport - “support rather than impede economic recovery”.

He agreed with Opposition spokesman Timmy Dooley that saving on road maintenance served to build up costs which must be addressed later on.

Mr Donohoe said it was “analysis that could apply to the rail network as well”.


“That is why I believe over time we will need to build back the capital spending profile of my department, because those needs are going to be there”.

Mr Dooley said the recent financial crisis had caused the National Roads Authority to lengthen the periods between regular road maintenance “but to actually bring the roads back to an appropriate standard at a future time” would cost “a multiple of the investment at a later stage”.

Speaking at the Oireachtas Committee on Transport Mr Donohoe said this year’s budget for his department, while “a good place to be starting from, I fully accept that in coming years this is a figure that I or my successor will have to build upon”.

Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien is an Irish Times journalist