Creighton tells Taoiseach to be respectful to Opposition TDs

Renua leader critical of Kenny’s comments to left-wing deputies

The Dáil has been suspended twice after an exchange between the Taoiseach and several other TDs.

Renua leader Lucinda Creighton has criticised Taoiseach Enda Kenny after he said Independent TD Clare Daly had delivered a "rant" in the Dáil.

“I really think that the Taoiseach certainly does not do himself any justice by speaking to any member of parliament in that way,” Ms Creighton said.

Mr Kenny's comment to Ms Daly when she asked a question about Aer Lingus on Wednesday came after he told Socialist TD Ruth Coppinger the point of Leaders' Questions was "to tell you where to go" earlier this month.

“I believe that the leader of Government and all politicians should show a suitable respect for our parliament,” Ms Creighton said.


“I don’t believe that any member of the Dáil whether they’re in the Government benches or in the Opposition benches should be spoken to in any patronising way.

“I think speaking down to TDs shows a contempt for our parliament, for the people who voted for those TDs and it’s completely inappropriate.

“So I would like to see a high standard in our parliament in terms of respect for diverging opinions and there are many of them, and for different members who come from different political backgrounds and persuasions.”

Mr Kenny said Ms Daly had delivered a “good old rant there” during her intervention on behalf of the technical group on Wednesday.

Two weeks ago the Dáil was adjourned twice in one day following a heated row after which Opposition TDs accused Mr Kenny of being disrespectful to them in his replies to questions about water bills.

Mr Kenny had told Socialist Party TD Paul Murphy he should “toddle along” to a meeting where Irish Water would “give you the answer to any questions that you want to ask”.

The Taoiseach earlier accused him of thinking he was like Julius Caesar, and whenMs Coppinger asked what was the point of leaders’ questions, Mr Kenny replied: “It’s to tell you where to go.”

Mary Minihan

Mary Minihan

Mary Minihan is Features Editor of The Irish Times