Banking inquiry to change report after developer letters

Alterations to reflect requests by Johnny Ronan and Michael O’Flynn

The Oireachtas banking inquiry committee met in private session today to discuss letters sent by Johnny Ronan and Michael O’Flynn.

The Oireachtas banking inquiry has agreed to make a number of changes to its final report after receiving correspondance from two developers.

The committee met in private session today to discuss letters sent by Johnny Ronan and Michael O’Flynn.

The inquiry’s legal team advised the report be altered to reflect the requests made by Mr Ronan and Mr O’Flynn.

However it did not allow them the opportunity to respond to evidence given by the National Asset Management Agency.


In a statement Mr O’Flynn said he is happy that the concerns he raised in relation to the draft report have been addressed by the committee.

The Cork-based developer added that he “never wanted to delay or prevent publication of the report in any way, a point that he made very clear to the committee in all of his correspondence”.

He said he had issues with “a limited number of important points in the draft report that were legally and factually incorrect”, and it was important to deal with these appropriately.

Mr Ronan and Mr O’Flynn have 10 days then to take any legal action preventing the report’s publication if they so desire.