32nd Dáil: who backed who in the third vote for taoiseach

Enda Kenny defeated by 77 to 52 and Micheál Martin by 91 to 43

ENDA KENNY Defeated by 77 to 52

FOR: 52 Fine Gael 50 Katherine Zappone Michael Lowry

AGAINST: 77 Fianna Fáil 43 Sinn Féin 22 Anti-Austerity Alliance-People Before Profit (AAA-PBP) 5 Independents4Change (Tommy Broughan, Joan Collins, Clare Daly and Mick Wallace) 4 Catherine Connolly Séamus Healy Thomas Pringle

ABSTENTIONS: 24 Labour Party 6 Social Democrats 3 Green Party 2 Independent Alliance 6 Rural Independents 5 Danny Healy-Rae Michael Healy-Rae


MICHEÁL MARTIN Defeated by 91 to 43

FOR: 43 Fianna Fáil 43

AGAINST: 91 Fine Gael 50 SF 22 Labour 6 AAA-PBP 5 Katherine Zappone Séamus Healy Thomas Pringle Catherine Connolly Independents4Change 4

ABSTENTIONS: 19 Independent Alliance 6 Rural Independents 5 Danny Healy-Rae Michael Healy-Rae Social Democrats 3 Green Party 2 Michael Lowry

ABSENT: Seán Sherlock (Lab), Maureen O’Sullivan (Ind), Dessie Ellis (SF), Gino Kenny (AAA-PBP)

Marie O'Halloran

Marie O'Halloran

Marie O'Halloran is Parliamentary Correspondent of The Irish Times