People in Dublin use 148 litres of water daily

A person in the Dublin region uses 148 litres of water per day on average for everything from brushing their teeth to showering…

A person in the Dublin region uses 148 litres of water per day on average for everything from brushing their teeth to showering, cooking and washing their clothes, according to a campaign begun today.

The Water Awareness Weekcampaign to encourage householders and businesses to become more aware of water usage was unveiled this morning by Dublin regional local authorities in conjunction with the Department of Environment.

According to the campaign if each individual saves 10 litres of water per day, it will result in 13 million litres saved in the Dublin region alone.

In the Dublin region 500 million litres of water is used by 1.25 million consumers every day.


Minister for the Environment Dick Roche said: "Water is a precious resource, and this campaign is intended to show practical simple examples of how significant savings can be made by everyone to conserve this resource".

The campaign will include leaflets being sent to households and businesses informing them of water conservation techniques.

A website,, has also been set up with tips on conserving water.

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy is Digital Production Editor of The Irish Times