PDs opposed to restoration of third-level fees

The Tánaiste, Ms Harney, indicated the Progressive Democrats' opposition to the restoration of third-level fees.

The Tánaiste, Ms Harney, indicated the Progressive Democrats' opposition to the restoration of third-level fees.

Ms Harney was replying to the Labour leader, Mr Pat Rabbitte, who said he understood that the Tánaiste had told her national conference that the party was opposed to the restoration of fees.

"Where do the PDs stand on the question of their reintroduction?" he asked.

Ms Harney replied: "Deputy Rabbitte is incorrect. Maybe he should watch my speech because I did not mention the subject at my conference. He was inaccurately informed. I am not here to answer for the PDs, but the position Deputy Rabbitte outlined is the correct one."


Earlier, Mr Rabbitte said that the Minister for Education, Mr Dempsey, had said he would make a decision "one way or the other" by Easter.

"I am sure I do not need to draw it to the attention of the Tánaiste that today, for some reason best known to herself and the Taoiseach, is the day the Dáil goes into recess for Easter. Has the Minister for Education made a decision, and does the Tánaiste agree with it? Her party seems to be all over the place on it," he added.

Mr Rabbitte asked if the tens of thousands of young people in higher education would be subjected to additional fees in the new academic term.

"Can the parents of the 40,000 or 50,000 young people studying for the Leaving Certificate plan for their introduction to higher education under the present regime or will that be changed? Can the Tánaiste clarify the matter for the House before it rises for the Easter recess?" Mr Rabbitte asked.

Ms Harney said she was flattered to know that Mr Rabbitte would spend his Easter weekend watching her speech. "Maybe I will send him a copy of the script today and save him the ordeal of having to take time from this period of rest and prayer to watch me," she added.

Ms Harney said the Minister had established a review group, and its outcome had not yet been brought before the Government. "Access to education and the availability of a good education are essential for young people. We all share that view. I have no doubt that will be foremost in the mind of the Minister when he brings the proposals to the Cabinet shortly."

Mr Rabbitte said monitoring what the Tánaiste had to say was a once-off occasion for him. "I am not generally interested in off-colour videos," he added.

Michael O'Regan

Michael O'Regan

Michael O’Regan is a former parliamentary correspondent of The Irish Times