Padre Pio life story holds the key for three more jackpot winners

A NUMBERS system based on the life of Padre Pio was the inspiration for both winners of last Saturday Lotto jackpot.

A NUMBERS system based on the life of Padre Pio was the inspiration for both winners of last Saturday Lotto jackpot.

In an almost miraculous coincidence, tickets bought in Waterford and Tipperary used the dates of the controversial monk's birth, ordination and death to share in the jackpot of £1.6 million.

Two neighbours from Tipperary shared one half of the prize, after buying their joint ticket from the Galtee Service Station on Limerick Road, Tipperary town, The other winner bought his ticket in Michael Clarke's newsagent, Main Street, Tramore.

Padre Pio was born in southern Italy in 1887, on the 25th of the 5th (two of the winning numbers); he was ordained in 1910, on the 10th of the 8th (two more); and died in his monastic cell in 1968, on the 23rd of the 9th (completing the set of six numbers).


Since his death there has been popular support for, his canonisation, but miracles are required for this.

The National Lottery said the use of hagiographical statistics and other religious systems was common among Lotto players. "The very first winner of the Lotto was a woman in Donegal who used the birth dates of her favourite saints," a spokesman said.

Frank McNally

Frank McNally

Frank McNally is an Irish Times journalist and chief writer of An Irish Diary