Only 35% aware of Institutes of Technology

Only 35 per cent of people are aware of the Institute of Technology sector, according to a new survey

Only 35 per cent of people are aware of the Institute of Technology sector, according to a new survey. There is also confusion as to how many institutes there are, whether each is independent or whether they operate as a group, according to the survey.

The survey conducted on behalf of the 14 institutes concludes that institutes need to "strengthen their profiles in the public consciousness".

Just 35 per cent of people are aware of the institutes when asked. Once prompted, this awareness rises to 82 per cent. Awareness of individual institutions is strong at local levels but does not extend to the other institutes around the country.

Commenting on the survey results, Jim Devine, chairman of the council of directors of the Institutes of Technology, said: "It seems that some of the public is keenly aware of the quality, accessibility and flexibility offered by the Institutes of Technology. The trouble is, the public is still not as aware as we would like it to be, and that is a challenge we as a group aim to take up."


Launching the survey, chief executive of IDA Ireland SeáDorgan said the institutes had been distinctive for their "real world" quality, their openness and accessibility.

Seán Flynn

Seán Flynn

The late Seán Flynn was education editor of The Irish Times