What would Molly Malone say if she could talk?

Competition asks ‘budding writers’ to submit monologue for famous Dublin statue

What do you think Molly Malone would say if she could talk? Photograph: Alan Betson / The Irish Times

The public has been asked to imagine what Molly Malone’s statue in Dublin would say if it could speak.

The Fáilte Ireland competition asks "budding writers" to submit a short monologue of up to 300 words for the Suffolk Street statue.

The winning entry will be recorded at the Abbey Theatre. You can enter before the 31st March by sending your monologue to competitions@talkingstatuesdublin.ie.

The competition is part of a wider Talking Statues initiative which Fáilte Ireland is running in conjunction with Sing London.


Other statues which have already been given the gift of the gab include Oscar Wilde on Merrion Square, James Joyce on Earl Street North and Cú Chulainn at the GPO on O'Connell Street.

To make one of these statues talk, you scan the QR code on the plaque with your phone and press the green button that says ‘Go’.

Your phone will ring. When you answer the statue will talk to you.

What do you think Molly Malone would say? Tell us in the comment section below.