Conor McGregor’s father complains coins ruin his ‘slim-fit, hand-fitted Hugo Boss suit’

Tony McGregor vents his spleen at Irish Rail ticket machine on YouTube

In an Instagram post Conor McGregor's father, Tony McGregor, expressed his dismay at receiving "coinage" from a "crisp €20 note" when purchasing a ticket for the Dart. Video: @mcgregortony

As first world problems go, they don’t come more first world than the appalling dilemma visited on Conor McGregor’s father Tony.

The poor lamb slummed it on the Dart on Saturday evening at Lansdowne Road, but that was not the end of his indignity. He put a “brand new crisp €20 note” in the ticket machine looking for a single ticket to Dun Laoghaire which costs €2.70.

Much to his consternation, the ticket machine spilled out the €17.30 change in coins rather than the notes he expected.

This would not do at all because Mr McGregor Snr was wearing, according to himself, a "slim-fit, hand-fitted Hugo Boss suit" which presumably has no place for anything as common as coins as it would ruin the lining of the suit.


Mr McGregor was so disgusted by his plight and the "bloody cheek" of Irish Rail that he decided to make a video of it and post it on YouTube.

In solidarity some friends set up a GoFundMe account to pay for a Leap Card for Mr McGregor. A Leap Card costs €5 which is a refundable deposit.

His famous MMA fighter son chipped in €5 with the message: "F*** sake Da, take me bleedin Lamborghini (lambo) next time!"

An Irish Rail spokesman said he would “strongly urge” Mr McGregor to get a Leap Card.

“If money is as tight as his trousers, he can also save up to 31 per cent on his fare.”

Ronan McGreevy

Ronan McGreevy

Ronan McGreevy is a news reporter with The Irish Times