NI politicians breathe easier as website folds

Northern Ireland's satirical website the Portadown News has folded and some of the North's most trenchant "journalists", such…

Northern Ireland's satirical website the Portadown News has folded and some of the North's most trenchant "journalists", such as Helen Brimstone, Will March, Rob Berry, Anne Phoblacht and Billy Shootspatrick, are now redundant.

After four years and 200 editions, publisher Newton Emerson, a regular contributor to The Irish Times and other publications, has decided to call time on the website which ridiculed loyalist and republican, Catholic and Protestant, unionist and nationalist, with equal acerbity and humour.

"I'm done," he explained in this week's final issue. "The Mirror has offered me a new column, I haven't time to do that and this, so I'm calling it a day." He thanked the readers, his mother and the "various people who didn't beat me up" during the website's lifetime.

While the closure will probably come as a relief to most Northern politicians, SDLP assembly member Carmel Hanna lamented its demise.


"One of the pleasures of the start of the working week was to log on to see who was this week's target for lampooning by the Portadown News. On one occasion, to the pleasure of my family, it was myself."

Gerry Moriarty

Gerry Moriarty

Gerry Moriarty is the former Northern editor of The Irish Times