Medical card users most likely to be hit

PEOPLE WITH medical cards, long-term illnesses and private patients who participate in State drug payment schemes are the most…

PEOPLE WITH medical cards, long-term illnesses and private patients who participate in State drug payment schemes are the most likely to be affected by the ongoing pharmacists’ dispute.

Subscribers to the schemes are still entitled to collect their medicines provided they attend a pharmacy that has not withdrawn from the Health Service Executive (HSE)-funded community drugs schemes.

People whose regular pharmacist has withdrawn services and who are short of essential medication should contact the HSE’s information line on 1850-241850 for details of the nearest alternative pharmacy.

About 1.3 million medical card holders in the State, some 30 per cent of the population, who receive prescribed drugs and medicines for free are liable to be affected by the dispute.


People with conditions such as diabetes, epilepsy and cystic fibrosis, who receive medicines under the long-term illness scheme, are also affected, as are users of the drugs payment scheme, under which individuals pay €100 a month for approved prescribed drugs and medicines for use by that person or their family.

Steven Carroll

Steven Carroll

Steven Carroll is an Assistant News Editor with The Irish Times