McGeever has yet to make case to gardaí

Full details surrounding the eight-month disappearance of Kevin Michael McGeever will only emerge if the Galway-based businessman…

Full details surrounding the eight-month disappearance of Kevin Michael McGeever will only emerge if the Galway-based businessman makes an official statement of complaint to the Garda.

Informed sources said Mr McGeever has not yet made any formal complaint and that gardaí have not been in a position to carry out any substantive interview with him.

Gardaí do not know where he was for the eight months from when was reported missing last May to his reappearance last week in Co Leitrim, disorientated and in poor physical condition.

“We don’t need a complaint to investigate a crime, but in a case like this where there is very little information to start from, we would need a statement and co-operation from the person,” said one source. “Any investigation we’d do without a statement where the victim clearly set out the crime he had been a victim of would not go very far . . .”


Public appeal refused

Those familiar with the case say it is unclear when Mr McGeever would be well enough to be interviewed and if he would make a statement.

While he was reported missing by his partner last May, gardaí offered to make a public appeal but it was turned down. “We just don’t know if there would be the same reluctance to take it further now that he has emerged alive,” said one source.

There is no suggestion that Mr McGeever is implicated in any criminal acts relating to his own disappearance. It means any criminal investigation would progress with him as a witness. There would be no grounds or reason to launch an investigation into him or independent of him.

Garda sources have described much of the reports in the media in the past few days as “speculative”. The same sources have said gardaí have managed to speak him only in “snatches” and much of the information that has emerged publicly has not been relayed to gardaí by Mr McGeever or those closest to him.

However, gardaí say they are anxious to solve the mystery of his disappearance and are hopeful he will make a fullcomplaint upon which they could base an investigation.

International interests

With that in mind, gardaí have already begun a trawl of his international business interests – including those in Ireland, Germany, the US and Dubai.

They are trying to establish if any of his property business dealings may have turned sour and provided a motive.

The analysis of bank accounts linked to Mr McGeever for the period he was missing should also help gardaí establish if cash was taken by the gang he has suggested were holding him hostage.

He was found by passersby on the road between Swanlinbar and Ballinamore in Co Leitrim last Thursday. He was in a dishevelled state and was disorientated, with the word “thief” inked on his forehead.

His only possession was a new mobile phone with one number on it. He claimed to have been kidnapped from his home in Craughwell, Co Galway, on May 27th and held in a dark room by kidnappers before being driven to a mystery location and released.

He has been in Mullingar General Hospital since reappearing and, given his poor condition, gardaí have not been able to speak to him at length. He has lost several stone and has injuries, including a fractured knee. When found he was dressed in a plastic bag and was barefoot.

Conor Lally

Conor Lally

Conor Lally is Security and Crime Editor of The Irish Times