Martin earmarks €5.5m to free up bed spaces

A €75.5 million package to fund maintenance works will include some provisions for long-term care facilities for elderly patients…

A €75.5 million package to fund maintenance works will include some provisions for long-term care facilities for elderly patients in acute hospitals, the Minister for Health announced today.

Most of the money is coming from the Department's €515 million capital projects fund for this year. Mr Martin said the money was being reallocated because a number of planned capital developments have not progressed as quickly as anticipated.

Some €5.5 million of today's package is being allocated to the Eastern Regional Health Authority (ERHA) and the Southern Health board to allow them access alternative care places for elderly patients.

These patients are predominately elderly patients whose treatment is complete but still require care or have no where to go. It is estimated that up to 350 beds in teaching hospitals are occupied by these patients.


Mr Martin said it was up to the health boards to negotiate the most competitive nursing home rates from the €5.5 million. The Minister stressed that the funding provided today is an addition to the €112 million annual nursing home subvention.

"I recognise that the operational capacity of accident and emergency hospitals in Dublin and Cork areas in particular are compromised by the continued occupancy of beds by patients who could be discharged if appropriate facilities were available elsewhere," he said.

Mr Martin said tax-relief schemes offered to the private nursing home sector has had a positive effect on supplies and said the rates being offered "are getting more competitive".

In 2002 the ERHA spent €50 million on purchasing nursing home beds from the private sector and secured 3,000 beds.

This year the health authority is spending €63 million plus its share from today's package on the provision of such services. The exact number of beds purchased will not be known until the end of the year.

The ERHA will receive most of the capital allocation, with €19 million for health and safety and fire precaution refurbishments.

David Labanyi

David Labanyi

David Labanyi is the Head of Audience with The Irish Times