ISC announce high performance grants

Sports Grants : The Irish Sports Council have released details of their high performance grants for 2006, with approximately…

Sports Grants: The Irish Sports Council have released details of their high performance grants for 2006, with approximately 80 senior athletes and 15 'focus' sports benefitting to the tune of €6.17 million.

This funding is in addition to the €7.63 million in core grants announced last month.

The Athletics Association of Ireland have again been recognised for their extensive restructuring over the last year, receiving €445,000 to complement last month's core grant of €750,000. But it was the boxing and equestrian unions who received the largest slices of pie, both collecting €480,000.

Over 80 senior athletes will receive individual grants from the Sports Council under the existing carding scheme, with amounts varying according to their category (developomental, international and world class).


A further eight athletes, identified as potential medal winners at the next Olympics in Beijing, have seen their grants boosted by agreeing contracts with the Sports Council.

Richard Archibald, Paul Griffin, Tim Harnedy and Eugene Coakley, world rowing championship silver-medallists, and four Paralympic athletes (Derek Malone, David Malone, John McCarthy and Jason Smyth) have agreed contracts with the Council with the specific aim of allowing them to concentrate fully on their preparations for Beijing.

Under another new initiative, all athletes will also receive bonuses should they achieve pre-determined targets. Should an athlete meet these targets a further 25 per cent of their original grant will be made available.

"Today’s announcement is part of the Government’s substantial investment in every aspect of sport in Ireland which will be €154 million in 2006," sports minister John O'Donoghue explained. "The Irish Sports Council is implementing the recommendations of the Athens Review and is backing up its actions with considerable financial resources.

"An investment of €6.17 million is substantial by any standard and is focused on supporting potential that can produce long-term sustainable success."

Noel O'Reilly

Noel O'Reilly

Noel O'Reilly is Sports Editor of The Irish Times