Irish top for texting when roaming

Irish people are more likely to send text messages when overseas than citizens in other EU Member States, according to new research…

Irish people are more likely to send text messages when overseas than citizens in other EU Member States, according to new research which shows consumers are still concerned about the cost of roaming.

The European Commission-compiled Eurobarometer survey shows that 81 per cent of Irish mobile users favour sending SMS messages while abroad, compared to just 24 per cent of Portuguese citizens. In addition, 62 per cent of Irish people use voice services when roaming and 10 per cent use internet services.

The Eurobarometer survey questioned over 26,500 people in August and September 2010 in the 27 Member States.

The research indicates that more people are using their mobiles while travelling in the EU than in 2007 when a cap was introduced to ensure similar roaming tariffs applied across Member States.


Despite an estimated 13 per cent fall in travel between 2006 and 2010, the overall volume of calls received and SMS sent while abroad in the EU has grown. Travellers report making 32 per cent more calls, receiving 31 per cent more calls and texting 43 per cent more since 2006.

However, the research indicates that 72 per cent of travellers still limit their calls when overseas because of high roaming costs. In addition, just 19 per cent of people who use internet-related services on their mobiles think the costs of data-roaming are fair.

Across the EU, women and young people are more likely to send text messages while men and older people prefer to make voice calls, the survey found.

Young people are now significantly more likely to use roaming services compared to 2006 figures. But 15 per cent of those aged between 25 and 39 years and 30 per cent of retired people do not use their mobiles at all when overseas.

Revised EU rules were introduced in 2009 which will see the maximum roaming charges falling in July to a maximum of 35 cents per minute for calls made and 11 cents for calls.

Charlie Taylor

Charlie Taylor

Charlie Taylor is a former Irish Times business journalist