Irish media group named in Vanunu charges

An Irish media organisation is among several television stations and newspapers that Israeli nuclear whistleblower Mordechai …

An Irish media organisation is among several television stations and newspapers that Israeli nuclear whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu will be charged with talking to when he appears in an Israeli court tomorrow.

Mr Vanunu was indicted for violating the terms of his release from prison that barred him from talking to foreign media organisations. Mr Vanunu was charged on March 17th and will appear at the Magistrates Court in Jerusalem tomorrow.

One of the charges relates to an interview Mr Vanunu gave to Indymedia Ireland in September 2004. He is also charged with talking to the BBC, Sky News, the Washington Postand Le Figaro.

Mr Vanunu has said he will continue speaking to the press, despite the charges. He has not yet been taken into custody.


He served 18 years in jail for disclosing details of Israel's nuclear programme at the Nuclear Research Centre at Dimona in the Negev desert where he used to work. He was released in April 2004 under strict conditions.

The Israeli government insists Mr Vanunu is a security threat and banned him from leaving Israel - including visiting the West Bank and Gaza Strip - or talking to foreigners without permission.

Mr Vanunu denies he has more information than he revealed to the Sunday Timesin 1986 when he detailed the extent of Israel's nuclear programme.

He was subsequently kidnapped in Italy by Israeli agents. Mr Vanunu faces up to three years in jail if he is convicted of breaking the restrictions imposed on him. He has approached a number of countries, including Ireland, asking for asylum.

When charged Mr Vanunu responded: "Maybe they will warn me again or I don't know, but they will not stop me talking . . .

I'm not going to stop speaking as long as I'm free I'll continue to speak."

Eammon Crudden, a member of Indymedia Ireland, said the charges were an attack on Mr Vanunu's human rights, on the rights of journalists and on freedom of speech.

David Labanyi

David Labanyi

David Labanyi is the Head of Audience with The Irish Times