Two men charged with rape of Cork teenager following concert

Men returned for trial on charges of false imprisonment and rape of girl in 2014

Two men have been returned for trial on charges of rape and false imprisonment of a teenage girl following a concert in Cork. Photograph: Alan Betson/ The Irish Times

Two men have been returned for trial on charges of rape and false imprisonment of a teenage girl following a concert in Cork in 2014.

The two men, aged 33 and 42, were arrested by gardaí in Cork by appointment and brought before Cork District Court on Tuesday where they were charged with a series of offences.

The 42-year-old man was charged with two offences including false imprisonment and rape under Section 4 of the Criminal Law Rape Amendment Act.

The 33-year-old man was charged with four offences including false imprisonment, rape under Section 4 of the Criminal Law Rape Amendment Act and sexual assault.


The offences are alleged to have been committed on the teenage girl at a location in Cork city on a night in June 2014 following a concert in the city.

Det Gda Sharon Sweeney gave evidence of arrest, charge and caution and told the court that neither man made any reply to the charges when they were put to them after caution.

Insp Finbarr O'Sullivan confirmed books of evidence had been served on both accused and he applied for a return for trial to the current sittings of the Central Criminal Court.

Judge Leo Malone granted the application and remanded both men on bail on their own cash lodgement of €5,000 each to appear again at the Central Criminal Court.

Barry Roche

Barry Roche

Barry Roche is Southern Correspondent of The Irish Times