Taoiseach pays tribute to vaccination programme personnel

Almost 55% of people have had first dose and nearly 26% are vaccinated fully, says Martin

Taoiseach Micheál Martin said considerable credit is due to all thosse involved in efforts to vaccinate the population. File photograph: The Irish Times

Taoiseach Micheál Martin has said the Republic’s vaccination programme is continuing apace in an effective and efficient manner.

Mr Martin said that almost 55 per cent of the population have had a first dose of coronavirus vaccine and that nearly 26 per cent of people are vaccinated fully. He added that some three million doses have been given in total.

The Taoiseach issued his progress bulletin on the vaccination programme via a Twitter video.

He also said considerable credit is due to those involved in efforts to vaccinate the population. “Tremendous tribute” must be paid to all those who are playing their part, said the Taoiseach.


Further 377 infections

Meanwhile, another 377 cases of Covid-19 have been reported in the State by the Department of Health; 69 people are in hospital with the virus and 26 patients in intensive care.

Earlier on Monday, some restrictions eased countrywide.

Restaurants, cafes and bars reopened for outdoor dining.

Gyms, swimming pools and leisure centres are open for individual training only, while non-professional outdoor sports matches can take place once again. Also allowed to reopen are cinemas and theatres.

A maximum of 100 people can attend organised outdoor events, although up to 200 can attend outdoor venues with a minimum accredited capacity of 5,000.

In Northern Ireland, the Department of Health there reported 54 additional cases but no further deaths.