Share your story: Have you experienced antisocial behaviour on public transport?

More than 560 complaints last year about intimidation, assault, vandalism, begging and theft

Sarah-Jane Murphy: ‘Antisocial behaviour has been normalised. It’s time to reclaim our trains’. Photograph: Alan Betson

Over the weekend we covered a story from a woman who experienced harassment and antisocial behaviour on Irish Rail.

Sarah-Jane Murphy was surrounded by a group of young men on the Dart as she travelled alone from Dún Laoghaire during lunchtime.

“I was trapped, stuck and scared. The air was heavy with cigarette smoke and the smell of stale alcohol. And still the lewd taunts kept on coming,” she said.

Figures show more than 560 passengers made formal complaints last year about intimidation, vandalism, assault, begging and theft on Irish Rail services.


Complaints about antisocial behaviour on the Dart almost doubled last year to 96 from 52 the previous year.

We would like invite readers to share their experience of antisocial behaviour or harassment on public transport.

You can share your experience (max 200 words) using this form. (If you are reading this on the Irish Times app you can access the form here)

You can attach a photograph if you wish.

A selection of responses may be published online and/or in print as part of our reporting on this issue.

Thank you.