Reward of €5,000 offered to find killers of dog in Cork

Lord Mayor donates towards fund after Jack Russell was found with throat slit

Cork’s Lord Mayor has donated towards a reward to find the killers of a family dog found with its throat slit in Mayfield, Cork

Cork’s Lord Mayor has donated towards a reward to find the killers of a family dog found with its throat slit in Mayfield, Cork.

Cllr Chris O’Leary donated €200 to a fund that swelled to €5,000 by lunchtime on Monday after the incident was brought to light by Cork’s Red FM.

Gardaí are investigating the attack on Marvin, a five-year-old Jack Russell, fatally wounded and dumped on Saturday last.

The dog sustained knife wounds to its throat, legs and body. Owner Sylvia McCarthy told of her family’s distress at the nature of the dog’s death.


“It’s the way he died. He was all cut underneath, he was cut down below, they tried to cut off his leg. They just missed the jugular vein by centimetres, if they had done it and killed him he would have been out of his misery but they just left him there. They tortured him,” she said.

Cllr O’Leary said the brutal manner of the dog’s killing was “sickening”. He said the reward would be passed on to anyone who comes forward with information that results in a prosecution.

“This was a horrific act carried out on a family pet, I’m disgusted by the treatment of this dog. I don’t believe whoever did this should get away with it, I believe the full rigours of the law needs to be applied here, I don’t care what age this individual or individuals are,” he said.