Man (34) remanded on bail following €105,000 heroin seizure by Cork gardaí

Accused charged with possessing drug for sale or supply at Kent railway station

A 34-year-old man has been remanded on bail after he was charged in connection with the seizure by gardaí of over €100,000 worth of heroin at the railway station in Cork city on Wednesday.

Gary Cambridge, with an address at Mount Brosna, Mayfield, Cork was brought before Cork District Court on Thursday evening where he was charged with two offences arising from the seizure at Kent railway station in Cork.

Mr Cambridge was charged with possession of €105, 000 worth of diamorphine or heroin, and possession of the drug for sale or supply, at the station on September 4th.

Det Garda Paul Leahy of the Cork City Divisional Drugs Squad gave evidence of arrest, charge and caution and told the court Mr Cambridge made no reply to either charge when they were put to him after caution.


Insp Jason Lynch said gardaí had no objection to bail once a number of conditions were agreed. Defence solicitor, Eddie Burke said the bail terms sought by gardai were acceptable to his client.

Judge Con O’Leary remanded Mr Cambridge on bail on his own bond of €5,000 to appear again at Cork District Court on October 2nd to allow for the DPP’s directions on the matter.

He imposed a number of bail conditions including that Mr Cambridge reside at Mount Brosna, Mayfield, abide by a 11pm to 8am curfew and sign on every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at Mayfield Garda Station.

Mr Burke applied for free legal aid, saying that Mr Cambridge was in receipt of disability allowance but Judge O’Leary deferred granting free legal aid until Mr Cambridge submitted a statement of means.

Barry Roche

Barry Roche

Barry Roche is Southern Correspondent of The Irish Times