Italian man paralysed after Dublin attack sells memoir

Guido Nasi (35) left needing constant care after assault with bottle in Fairview Park in 1999

A file image of Guido Nasi (35), who was left paralysed after an unprovoked attack in Dublin in 1999. File photograph: Frank Miller/The Irish Times

An Italian man who was left paralysed after an unprovoked attack in Dublin is celebrating after a major publishing company purchased the rights to his memoir.

Guido Nasi (35), whose injuries after the 1999 attack in Fairview Park left him requiring constant care, has spent the past two years of his life writing the book.

The Turin native's book – entitled Una Vita Spezzata, or A Shattered Life – will revisit the day of the assault in which he was struck over the head with a bottle.

The attack left him partially sighted, no longer able to walk or feed himself, and battling depression.


Mr Nasi and his mother Simonetta – with whom he shares an apartment in Turin – have been told the book should be in the shops by Christmas.

Bernadette Kelly, a Dublin-based victim support volunteer who built up a close friendship with the Nasi family following the attack, said it was "a great achievement for Guido to have written a book because it was such a difficult thing for him to do".

“He typed out every word himself, but even moving his finger from a key to the next key would take him about 20 seconds. So that will give you an idea of how hard it must have been.”