Porters and other staff at the Sacred Heart Hospital in Castlebar have agreed to give up a long-standing but unofficial noon tea break in return for a once-off award of three extra days holidays.
The disclosure prompted criticism from the Irish Small and Medium Enterprises association. Its chief executive, Mark Fielding, said: "When will the penny drop that extra costs such as this will mean less resources available for patients? No wonder the HSE is in the state it's in."
Tea break
During a Labour Court hearing HSE management argued the tea break was unofficial.
The Labour Court recommended workers get two extra holiday days in the current leave year and one additional day in the next leave year for giving up the break.
Siptu had said the break had existed for many years.
“As a result of custom and practice within the employment the break now forms part of the workers’ implied terms and conditions of employment and should remain in place”.