Gardaí seize cannabis worth €800,000 on M9 motorway

Van with drugs stopped at routine Garda checkpoint

Gardaí conducting a routine traffic checkpoint stopped a van travelling southbound on the M9. Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill
Gardaí conducting a routine traffic checkpoint stopped a van travelling southbound on the M9. Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill

Gardaí have seized cannabis worth an estimated €800,000 during an operation on the M9 motorway in Co Carlow.

A man was arrested during the seizure, which took place on Thursday .

Gardaí conducting a routine traffic checkpoint stopped a van travelling southbound on the M9 at approximately 5.40pm.

During a search of the vehicle, gardaí recovered a large quantity of cannabis herb, pending analysis, in vacuum packaging.


The driver of the van, a man in his 40s, was arrested and taken to Carlow Garda station where he is currently detained under section 2 of the Criminal Justice (Drug Trafficking) Act, 1996.

Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien is an Irish Times journalist