Electric vehicle charging points to be required at new buildings

Rule applies to new developments with more than 10 parking spaces and existing ones with more than 20

Regulations will also require that a minimum number of charging points for all existing buildings with more than 20 car parking spaces must be installed by January 1st, 2025. File photograph: Tolga Akmen/AFP/Getty

New buildings and those undergoing substantial renovation works will have to include charging points for electric vehicles if they have more than 10 car parking spaces, under new rules signed by Minister for Housing Darragh O'Brien on Tuesday.

The regulations will also require that a minimum number of charging points for all existing buildings with more than 20 car parking spaces, other than dwellings, must be installed by January 1st, 2025.

There will be exemptions for small and medium enterprises, the Department of Housing said in a statement, and the regulations apply only for buildings where construction or renovation was made after March 10th this year.

The regulations also mandate that Building Automation and Control systems should be installed in non-residential buildings with heating and air conditioning systems which have an output of above 290 kilowatts, before the end of 2025.


In a statement, the Department of Housing said the lack of recharging infrastructure is a barrier to the take-up of electric vehicles in the European Union. The new rules are being brought in on the back of requirements under the EU directive on energy performance of buildings.

Clean energy transition

Mr O’Brien said the regulations would send a “strong signal of Ireland’s commitment to the clean energy transition, as the building sector has a vast potential to contribute to a carbon-neutral and competitive economy.”

Minister for Environment, Climate and Communications Eamon Ryan said he welcomed the introduction of the regulations.

“Electric vehicle (EV) sales are a growing proportion of new car sales, and as more people make the switch it is important that recharging infrastructure is available to facilitate their uptake. We are rolling out several initiatives this year and will shortly begin a consultation on how best to provide EV charging in existing apartment buildings,” he said.

Jack Horgan-Jones

Jack Horgan-Jones

Jack Horgan-Jones is a Political Correspondent with The Irish Times