Elderly man dies after being hit by car in Co Mayo

Gardaí appeal for witnesses after pedestrian aged in his 80s fatally injured on Saturday

An elderly man has died after being hit by a car in Co Mayo in the early hours of Saturday.

The pedestrian, aged in his 80s, was fatally injured following the crash on the N60 at Logatemple, Claremorris, at 1am. The driver and two passengers travelling in the car were not injured.

The man’s body was taken to Mayo University Hospital, where a postmortem will be carried out.

Gardaí have closed the road to facilitate a forensic examination and diversions are in place between Claremorris and Balla.


Witnesses or anyone with information have been asked to contact Claremorris Garda station (094 9372080).

Dean Ruxton

Dean Ruxton

Dean Ruxton is an Audience Editor at The Irish Times. He also writes the Lost Leads archive series