Dissident republicans mark 1916 Rising outside GPO

Event led by colour parties with men in paramilitary garb and marching bands

Republican Sinn Féin marched outside the GPO today in central Dublin to commemorate those lost in the 1916 Rising

A republican parade commemorating the Easter Rising marched down O’Connell Street this afternoon, attracting a crowd of up to 2,000 between participants and observers.

The parade, organised by dissident organisation Republican Sinn Féin, involved marching bands and colour parties with men in paramilitary garb, sunglasses and in many instances with their faces covered.

The parade left the Garden of Remembrance at Parnell Square at 1.45pm before making its way down the capital's thoroughfare to the junction with Abbey Street, before carrying out a U-turn in order to arrive right beside the GPO itself.

Senior Republican Sinn Féin figure John Joe McCusker gave an address outside the GPO, where marchers halted during proceedings.


Significant numbers of gardaí were present to marshall the event. Traffic was prevented by gardaí from travelling onto O’Connell Street from the northern side as the crowd gathered at Parnell Square.

Peter Smyth

Peter Smyth is a digital production journalist at The Irish Times