Christmas return from Mediterranean for LÉ ‘Samuel Beckett’

Naval Service officers back in Cork following harrowing but successful rescue mission

Bosun Gerry Dore is greeted by his daughter Mary as the LÉ Samuel Beckett returns to Haulbowline, Co Cork. Photograph: Michael Mac Sweeney/Provision

Since May 16th, 2015, members of the Irish Naval Service have helped to rescue of more than 15,600 people attempting to cross the Mediterranean from north Africa.

As part of the operation, officers serving on the LÉ Samuel Beckett spent 85 days working from 3am until darkness fell at 7pm assisting people escaping the most harrowing of circumstances.

Those officers returned to Haulbowline in Cork on Friday as their participation in the mission came to a close, for now.

Petty officer Patricia O’Sullivan said she was haunted by the voices of those lost at sea, finding it particularly disturbing to see women and children in such a dire situation.


“The [young children are] coming on board and they are crying and they are just seeing you in your white mask and your glasses,” she said. “To them you look alien and you do your best to let them know you are human – you give them high fives. But it is tough to see the kiddies. They come on with absolutely nothing but the shirt on their back.”

Ms O’Sullivan, from Ballydehob, Co Cork, said she was looking forward to some relaxing time with her fiancee, Elaine Feen, and the prospect of catching up on television – having missed three months of her favourite shows – particularly appealing.

"The couch is calling me. And I will have my own remote control! They [the other sailors] don't like watching the soaps or Geordie Shore – it was more like the Discovery Channel. There were only three females on board."


The LÉ Samuel Beckett was the sixth ship deployed by the Naval Service to the Mediterranean Sea in order to assist in tackling the refugee and migrant crisis.

She rescued 3,087 people and recovered 11 deceased during 14 operations.

Eagerly waiting on the Haulbowline quayside on Friday was Elaine Kirwan and her four children. They were looking out for husband and father, Lieut Cdr Darragh Kirwan, with the kids holding a banner saying, “Get out of our way, we get our daddy back today.”

Liam (9) held a banner bearing the words “Never mind the rest. We’ve got the best. Our own superhero daddy.” He said his father was better than Superman, and his return was welcome news given he has been the only male in the house in recent times.

Lieut Cdr Kirwan said the mission was “difficult but rewarding”. The expectation had been that as the winter closed in there would be fewer migrants at sea. “But that is not how it turned out,” he said. “The numbers we encountered were in line with what other ships had encountered in summer months. Most are looking for a better start. They saw Europe as a better opportunity.”

Petty Officer David O’Learyrecalled the desperation of individuals willing to risk their lives to escape oppression and poverty.

“The first morning everything was going well and in a few minutes it had changed. We had people in the water and people drowning and it was horrendous. And the work load continued at that rate.”