Charlie Flanagan meets Orange Order over arson attacks on halls

Minister for Foreign Affairs offers support to Donegal Orangemen

Minister for Foreign Affairs offers support to Donegal Orangemen after arson attacks on their halls. Photograph; Dara Mac Donaill / The Irish Times

The Minister for Foreign Affairs Charlie Flanagan has told Orange Order representatives that attacks on their halls in Co Donegal were an attack on the "very fabric of the State".

Mr Flanagan met members of the Orange Order from Newtowncunningham and Convoy in Belfast today. This followed arson attacks on Newtowncunningham hall in September and on Convoy hall in October.

Mr Flanagan said he was appalled by the attacks. “Such cowardly illegal actions have no place in our society and are attacks on the very fabric of the State, which is committed to respecting all the diverse traditions and identities of our citizens,” he said.

“I hope that both halls will be rebuilt as soon as possible and that I can provide some support in this regard. I acknowledge the important role that the halls play in communities as centres for events and social engagements,” he added.


“I know that arrests have been made in the case of Convoy and I would urge anyone with relevant information in relation to either case to contact the Gardaí in Letterkenny,” said Mr Flanagan.

Gerry Moriarty

Gerry Moriarty

Gerry Moriarty is the former Northern editor of The Irish Times