Ireland has highest rate of binge drinkers in EU

Ireland has the highest rate of binge drinkers in the EU, a new survey exploring attitudes to alcohol shows.

Ireland has the highest rate of binge drinkers in the EU, a new survey exploring attitudes to alcohol shows.

A total of 34 per cent of people in Ireland report having five or more drinks on average in a single sitting, more than three times the EU average of 10 per cent.

This compares to binge-drinking rates of just 2 per cent in Italy, 5 per cent in Spain and 8 per cent in France.

Binge drinking is defined in the Eurobarometer survey as having five or more alcoholic drinks in one session. A glass of wine or a shot of alcohol is measured as a single drink, although a pint of beer is regarded as almost two drinks.


The report shows that the countries least likely to have a binge-drinking problem are those with a culture of moderate, everyday drinking.

For example, people were most likely to have a drink every day in Italy (26 per cent), Spain (24 per cent) and France (18 per cent). This compares with a rate of just 2 per cent in Ireland, or an EU average of 13 per cent.

Overall, binge drinking across the EU is highest among the 15 to 24 age group (19 per cent), according to the survey.

There was significant public support for advertising restrictions and tougher drink-driving measures.

Most people in Ireland (74 per cent) would agree to a lowering of the blood/ alcohol level for young and novice drivers and support the banning of alcohol advertising which targets young people (also 74 per cent). The support for random Garda checks on drivers in Ireland is among the highest at 91 per cent, compared with an EU average of 80 per cent.

EU Health Commissioner Markos Kyprianou said he was "deeply concerned" by the data in general.

Public health specialist and former member of the Government's taskforce on alcohol Dr Joe Barry called on the Government to take stronger measures to tackle alcohol misuse, such as greater restrictions on advertising and an end to the voluntary code of conduct that exists for the drinks industry.

A Drinks Industry Group of Ireland (DIGI) spokesman said: "We believe education is the key and we are working through partnership programmes to achieve this."

Meanwhile, the industry says it is taking steps to highlight the importance of responsible drinking on St Patrick's Day.

One of the main sponsors of the parade, Diageo, is devoting advertising space around the festival to the "drinkaware" campaign.

EU's worst offenders
Ireland 34%
Finland 27%
UK 24%
Denmark 23%
Sweden 16%
Belgium 13%
Netherlands 12%
Czech Republic 11%
Poland 9%
France 8%
Germany 5%
Italy 2%

EU average 10%

Binge drinking:
The proportion of people who have five or more drinks on an occasion when they consume alcohol. A standard drink is considered to be a glass of wine or a shot. A pint of beer or stout is measured as 1.9 drinks.

Source: Eurobarometer survey for the European Commission on attitudes towards alcohol.

Carl O'Brien

Carl O'Brien

Carl O'Brien is Education Editor of The Irish Times. He was previously chief reporter and social affairs correspondent