Inspectors still have issues with care home

A CLARE nursing home which was criticised in an inspectors’ report earlier this year has failed to put in place measures to protect…

A CLARE nursing home which was criticised in an inspectors’ report earlier this year has failed to put in place measures to protect residents from elder abuse, a new inspection has found.

In its report on Kilrush District Hospital in west Clare earlier this year, the Health Information and Quality Authority (Hiqa) said it was very concerned for the safety and welfare of residents restrained in 17 Buxton chairs.

In response to the first report, hospital board director John Hehir said the issue of the Buxton chairs was being addressed and new specialist chairs had been ordered. “We provide fantastic care to the elderly of west Clare and we intend to continue to do that. Some aspects of the Hiqa report are disappointing, but we are proud of our record and will continue to provide excellent care,” he said at the time.

However, in a follow-up inspection report just published, Hiqa said unacceptable practices have been found at the home, which is run by a voluntary organisation and has capacity for 53 patients.


The new report said the hospital addressed “some restraint issues” since the previous report. “However, restraint was still being used with residents without considering alternative interventions or use of appropriate assessments. Residents with MRSA were not supported in a consistent way, which increased the risk of cross infection.

“Inspectors observed staff practices and building arrangements that significantly compromised the privacy and dignity of residents . . . Inspectors observed staff providing personal care to a resident without using the screening curtains,” the report said.

In response yesterday, Mr Hehir said all the items in the second Hiqa report had been addressed and there were no outstanding issues.

Gordon Deegan

Gordon Deegan

Gordon Deegan is a contributor to The Irish Times