Illegal Irish 'need Obama's help'

AN IRISH MEP has written to US President-elect Barack Obama to highlight that up to 50,000 undocumented Irish immigrants living…

AN IRISH MEP has written to US President-elect Barack Obama to highlight that up to 50,000 undocumented Irish immigrants living in the US need his “political assistance now more than ever.”

Seán Ó Neachtain, Fianna Fáil MEP for Ireland North and West, urged Mr Obama to consider introducing measures to allow undocumented and illegal Irish to remain in the US legally.

Mr Ó Neachtain said the situation of the illegal Irish in America was “unacceptable” and they needed “urgent help”.

However, he said he understood “fully” that US authorities had to maintain tight security at airports and ports due to international terrorism threats.


“I am urging you as the new president of America to show a sense of compassion and understanding of the very difficult situation that many illegal and undocumented Irish people find themselves in at present in America,” Mr Ó Neachtain wrote.

“With the very difficult economic times in Ireland, we are going to have to address this political issue of the undocumented Irish in America with a renewed spirit of determination and purpose . . . We need your political assistance now more than ever.”

Steven Carroll

Steven Carroll

Steven Carroll is an Assistant News Editor with The Irish Times