Ictu emphasises need for economic and social growth

A change in emphasis in the next national development plan from economic growth to economic and social development is being advocated…

A change in emphasis in the next national development plan from economic growth to economic and social development is being advocated by the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. Congress is backing the Government decision to change the planning laws to speed up major projects.

In a submission to Government on the new NDP, which will run from 2007 to 2013, congress identified three major priorities. The first was a switch from investment in physical infrastructure to public transport, with the emphasis on integrated, well-funded urban transport. The second was a major investment programme in improving the skills of the existing workforce, with the emphasis on those who have had least educational and training opportunities. The final priority was a substantial investment programme in childcare and eldercare.

Congress is supporting the need for reform of the planning laws so that the plan can be executed. "The Planning and Development (Strategic Infrastructure) Bill, 2006, should assist in speeding up the process of executing projects while allowing people to exercise their rights," said the submission.

"The new NDP must signal a change in direction from the key economic objective of social partners in the 20th century. This was the pursuit of economic growth to end mass unemployment and emigration.


"With a booming jobs market, with many new problems being generated by high growth, with substantial social problems remaining, with inequality of life chances, it is time to shift policy from economic growth to economic and social development."

The submission added that the theme congress was pursuing was the need to invest public money for the benefit of all citizens.

"Congress wishes to see the level of State investment in the new NDP increased to more than 5 per cent of GDP. Congress has also proposed there be a greater focus on investment in public transport, with the emphasis on integrated well-funded urban transport."

Stephen Collins

Stephen Collins

Stephen Collins is a columnist with and former political editor of The Irish Times